Welcome to MY8760


  Nearly every person seeks Work-Life Balance, but what does that really mean and how do you achieve it?

  The answer is different for each individual, but in order for You to achieve it, you need a plan!

  Most people feel that they do not have a plan for “balancing” their life, so there needs to be a set of principles to help guide you.

  MY8760 was developed based on principles that assist in high achievement of personal, professional and community goals.  It is based on a constraint model that recognizes that there are 8760 hours in a year.  If you can’t organize and prioritize where you spend your time, you will not be satisfied that you are achieving balance.  On the other hand, you may be surprised by just how much you can accomplish if you plan your time based on categories that matter to you.  And you will learn that the more you achieve, the more you can achieve.  The more you do, the more you can do.

  MY8760 offers a planning tool, currently in the form of a downloadable software template to help you plan your life using Microsoft Excel.  In the future, a personalized planning system will be available as a SaaS subscription with powerful, ongoing planning capabilities. 


To receive printed versions of our materials, please CLICK HERE and provide us with your mailing address.

We are available to provide seminars, classes, conferences, and workshops in the field of personal and business time management. CLICK HERE for a schedule of upcoming events, and to sign up to attend. 

CLICK HERE for electronic versions of our course materials.


November 14th

MY8760 Webinar

8:00am Pacific

+ Event Details

November 14th

MY8760 Webinar

Dial-in info to be provided upon request.

Please CLICK HERE for more details.

8:00am Pacific

Contact Us


567 San Nicolas Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660, United States

(949) 719-2200



8760 Whitepaper (pdf)


Instructions for using the MY8760 Activity Planning Matrix (pdf)


MY8760 Starter Activity Planning Matrix (xlsx)
